Close In On The Cure
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event"
"Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event", originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
I love this quote and find it quite indicative of the daily grind.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Famous Quotes ~

"Life is but a walking Shadow ....and is heard no more; It is a tall Tale, Told by an Idiot, full of Sound and Fury"
Shakespeare ~Macbeth
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Montreal 1967
turns out the Worlds Fair in Montreal was in 1967, not 1969 like I had posted prior and here I am with a happy and colorful friend. This also is an 8mm movie film clip, transferred to a DVD and scanned as a still. I did add a bit of sparkly texture to this photo, just to match the clowns personality.
Self-Portrait ~
old photos, have to love them! taken at the Montreal Worlds Fair, I'm thinking 1969
This was originally 8mm movie film, transferred to DVD and scanned as a still.Work Stuffed with Gravy of the Heart on a Silver Platter ~

Have to post two quotes I came across that I love, on two art forms that I love ~ seems a happy marriage ~
David Sim on writing one of my closest loves, although it constantly breaks my heart and gives me anxiety ~ "When I start the book, I'm The Writer. The Writer bitches for a week about how he never has any fun, he's tired of being funny all the time, and nobody cares about him anyhow. This is followed by a period of deep intense silence, much staring at walls, punctuated by cheery optimism on the order of: 'That's it! I'm Dead! I can't think of an ending! or 'I'm just going to have to scrap the first ten pages-there lousy'. Often it is less coherent than that-reduced to the more succinct , 'Garbage! It's all GARBAGE!
.... and from one of my favorite men ~ Oscar Wilde "Art is the most intense mode of individualism the world has known"
Whether one agrees or disagrees with Oscar I've chosen to marry myself to this quote; it is my excuse for posting photos some may love and others just look at and shake their heads, it gives me courage and confidence.
No Photoshop here and no macro; just me and the Lensbaby on a beautiful late Fall day sharing a few intense and possessive moments of nature.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sometimes your eyes are just bigger than your stomach ......

As Thanksgiving approaches I just can't help but wonder why for years now I keep making the same mistake over and over and over again. Although the holiday has not arrived I had a preview of what was to come at the dessert table at work today. Obviously since it was a dessert table I'm sure you have no trouble guessing what sparkled and called succulent to me; there was the sensuous German chocolate cake, the fresh berries lathered in whip cream, some cranberry souffle tempting morsel with a brown sugar topping and a banana bread pudding. I gazed with longing and lovingly at them, until I broke down and tasted each and every one and kept telling myself, just one more spoonful, just one more bite, just a little bit more until I grumbled and growled and whined to myself about my inability to just say no! and my upset stomach. After more than twenty years in the food business you would think by now I would learn control ~ just a little, restraint ~ just a bit, temptation ~ turn a blind eye, but alas instead I tasted and tasted and tasted again.
Since it is the season to give thanks, I must give thanks for an energetic metabolism that just seems to keep on giving, but I am sure I hear the voice of some wise muse echoing famous words that go something like how long do you think this is going to go on honey; suggesting I close my lips, skip the chips, sit on my hips and make one trip for the berries!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"Goodbye She Said with an Unexpected Friendliness"

Wanted to post a photo of my beautiful new ring which was handmade by my Flickr friend and contact Thomas, also known as "Less Ismore". I joined Flickr in November of 09 and admired Thomas' photography and saw this year that he was designing jewelry. The ring is sterling and is engraved in French with the evocative statement which titles this post "goodbye she said with an unexpected friendliness". Dashing off an email across the pond to Thomas, who lives in Belgium I asked if I could have him make me a ring and for a very reasonable rate I received what I consider to be this beauty!
I love my ring, I love the statement it evokes and I love the internet providing opportunities for friendship, commerce and a sense of adventure!
Thank you Thomas I am thrilled!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"Nothing Can Bring You Peace but Yourself" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
So this is my first attempt with the plastic play cameras. This photo was taken with the IPhone Hipstamatic app. with the Jimmy lens, the Kodot XGrizzled film and the flash off. For those who are not familiar with the Hipstamatic camera, it was a plastic camera discovered unofficially by two brothers in 1982 who wanted a camera that was as cheap as film. The original Hipstamatic was automatic, had a plastic lens called a Hipsta A1 which matched it plastic body, with an aperture of 2.8 which I think is quite impressive for a plastic camera that once sold for $8.25, took 35mm film and also impressive produced a photo size 28mm x 28mm. Call me crazy, but for $8.25 between the years of 1982-1984 this was quite a bargain. Today to be able to get the same results from an app on your telephone for a $1.99 ~ priceless!
Taking a break from the SLR and all of the lenses is fun and on my list of toy cameras are the Holga, the Diana and the Blackbird Fly all of which I am looking forward to playing with and perhaps a few pinholes.
The digital world is great, but for me there is nothing more relaxing and creative than playing in a darkroom, so whether you develop your film at the lab or are so inclined to print film is a toy that keeps on giving!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy"
"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy", originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
...... has been more than a year since I grabbed the Lensbaby, but it was a beautiful warm day in Philadelphia and a few traces of Fall are still luxuriously lingering as Winter gently approaches. Although the air was perfectly still the trees seemed to softly sway .......
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Edgartown, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts

So I really do think my trusty four legged, tailed, companion with the long ears and sad eyes could live happily and peacefully in the small town of Edgartown Massachusetts. I love that the majority of the traffic is by foot, bike or boat and that one has the option to eat lobster in some form whether it be lobster claw salad, lobster tail, lobster roll or lobster benedict for one or all three of ones daily meals! The population during the off season which of course is Fall and Winter is only roughly about 10,000 folks, the problem occurs however, when the season approaches and the population increases to about 100,000 that is a huge increase and for me would probably require several glasses of wine to accompany my lobster just to cope! For some also there may be a feeling of isolation during the off season, as many of the stores close, although several remain open as well as several delicious restaurants and art galleries are open for browsing and eating. For me however, it may have to top my list as favorite places to live!
Just had to post this photo of a few of my closest and dearest friends met while visiting the town of Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. Since it is still Fall I felt it was still their season and season enough to post!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Dining With The Dead, Halloween 2010, Laurel Hill Cemetary

Somehow forgot to post these two portraits, could not resist this post. Next time you think about having chicken for dinner just remember you never know who is cooking your bird ........!
Martha's Vineyard
Although peaceful and serene throughout the Vineyard as the locals say, I found nowhere more perfect than the town of Chilmark bordering the small fishing village of Menemsha and Aquinnah.
Chilmark has the highest average property value of any city or town in Massachusetts.
Many of the homes are considered by their owners to be beach cottages and many actually are quite modest. What is spectacular however is the land that surrounds these summer homes.
My friend and I met a wonderful man who invited us to his home on the corner of Squibnocket Road and Storks Nest Lane. We left The Harborview Hotel, our picturesque and luxurious home away from home in Edgartwon and set out on a bus trip to the town of Chilmark where we would find Squibnocket Beach and Squibnocket Pond which were the focal point of our destination.
I spent a lot of time with the camera that day adjusting exposures and shutter speeds and enjoyed every moment of it. I've posted my favorite photos of that day starting with our friend's home .......
Martha's Vineyard
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
...Wooley knew he was followed by Biggs Bunny on the way to Miss Penelope Parson's House
...Wooley knew he was followed by Biggs Bunny on the way to Miss Penelope Parson's House, originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
first photo with Macbook Pro and CS5 Photoshop. Amazing the colors on the Macbook. Having been a Windows user for almost 15 years I am finding it a bit of a challenge to convert, but am sure when I have finally mastered the art of Mac it will have been worth it.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric" ~ Bertrand Russell
"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric" ~ Bertrand Russell, originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
just a little thought for the day ....
Cinema 16:9 ~ I Am Love
Thought it best, best for what or whom I'm not quite sure, to reconnect with the written word and make a recommendation to a new and innovative Cinema which a friend and I had the pleasure to experience last night on a Saturday evening.
Cinema 16:9, located on Lansdowne Avenue in Lansdowne, PA, next to an all time favorite of mine The Regency Cafe was not only a surprise but an outstanding delight.
After dinner at Sycamore, a small, local, byob restaurant, located down the street from Cinema 16:9 with a cozy, warm and inviting atmosphere, delicious food, but sadly for us, a bit over priced with some of the smallest portions I think I have ever seen in my twenty or so years of being in the food business; disappointing, because what was presented on the plate was delicious, we headed to Cinema 16:9.
Tickets are $10, we grabbed a bucket of unbuttered healthy popcorn, a few chocolate covered pretzels, some almond butter crunch, all deliciously tasty and all available at their movie counter; oh and as a bit of a naughty aside we snuck in a few pony bottles of Barefoot Merlot, just cause you know ~ sometimes you need a little liquid for the soul and I've always known that is why the gods invented red wine and large pocketbooks, you know to store things...
I can't express the feeling of exhilaration I felt when I walked into the Cinema. I'm guessing the theatre seats about 30 regular theatre style chairs, while the front of the Cinema is set with overstuffed chairs that you can relax and curl up in, with a small coffee table in front your chair you can twist you toes into, or underneath, or around, or wherever - or however you would watch a movie in your own home. Make yourself comfortable, stuff your chops happily - as chilly thoughts of Fall approach, I secretly thought I can show up in my pajamas. In short the ambiance is amazing!
We stayed for a double header; "I Am Love, with Tilda Swinton", an outstanding film ever so rich in subtly, cinematography, nuance and color and "My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done", a film directed by Werner Herzog and produced by David Lynch, which requires an entire blog post all to itself, but well worth a recommendation. With great food and wine(shhhh.), great ambiance,and time permitting it was hard to tear yourself away.
.....and although it is hard to tear myself away now and I have neglected the written word for so long, I just want to say for a really fun and relaxing evening take yourself to Cinema 16:9, you truly will be happy you did.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Through the sail of New York Harbor .... to the shore of Battery Park
Through the sail of New York Harbor .... to the shore of Battery Park, originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
lower Manhattan, Financial District, sailing in New York Harbor with the shoreline of Battery Park
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
"Letting the days go by ..... let the water hold me down" ...
"Letting the days go by ..... let the water hold me down" ..., originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
"Life as it ever was"....
Sunday, May 23, 2010
... after a guest appearance at the Stock Exchange Senator Wal-a-rus' strolls through Central Park on his way to meet a dinner companion at the Plaza ...
... after a guest appearance at the Stock Exchange Senator Wal-a-rus' strolls through Central Park on his way to meet a dinner companion at the Plaza ..., originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
not completely happy with the presentation of the Senator, but a challenge to be met in Photoshop with future endeavors
1882 ~ ...sadly the tombstone read "Professor Granville Plant - death by consumption". It appears the begonias have been maintained by various and sundry members of the University since the Professors demise ~
1882 ~ ...sadly the tombstone read "Professor Granville Plant - death by consumption". It appears the begonias have been maintained by various and sundry members of the University since the Professors demise ~, originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
and so yet another Photoshop session; I will continue to work until perfection, at least perfection in my mind's eye
Monday, May 17, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
From 1932 and The Great Depression to 2010 ~ Mothers from Europe to America to Africa have used the sock monkey to comfort their children
From 1932 and The Great Depression to 2010 ~ Mothers from Europe to America to Africa have used the sock monkey to comfort their children, originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
street photography series
Saturday, May 8, 2010
"Livin la Vida Loca"
"All around, people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head"
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Bed # ..., West Wing; Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky - Cause of Death: Tuberculosis
Bed # ..., West Wing; Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky - Cause of Death: Tuberculosis, originally uploaded by prudencebrown121.
I think this might be the beginning of a short story one day.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Poodle Parlor on Etsy

The new Poodle Parlor featured on the Etsy Shopping network is now open and ready for business. Although it is more of a small boutique than a large corporate conglomerate nonetheless we still aspire at some time in the future to be on the New York Stock Exchange.
Can you imagine? I think that is a bit amusing, but who knows look how networks are growing these days? So as most things I do I am not exactly sure what direction this will go; but it will be an adventure, it will be fun and as always I welcome comments and suggestions.