What is it about the Forth of July and Summer that bring everyone to the beach? People travel great distances, sit in traffic jams, pay high gasoline and travel costs, arrange and rearrange airline schedules and why? Is it simply to sit on a beach and feel the warmth of the sand, is it to run through the water to cool yourself from the scorching heat, is it for the companionship of family and friends or the possibility of meeting an interesting stranger or to celebrate the birthday of a nation with fireworks and festivities?
As I am forever pondering the thoughts and meaning of everything, the element I believe that ties all of the "whys" together is love; love for the feel of the soft and warm sand against your tired and sore muscles, love for the feel of the cool water against scorched and sweating skin after the sun has been blazing upon you, love for the feeling you feel when surrounded by loved ones who you see every day or maybe have not seen for some time, the joy you feel with your family and friends while grilling a hot dog or pouring a beer or pulling up your lounge chair, with
your mosquito repellent at the fireworks.
Whatever it is that pulls you to the sand and surf continuously enjoy it and savor it, because as we all know the harsh winds of the seasons change and in a few months many of you will be trudging through the snow and slush with overcoats and boots. So as you gather your belongings for your suitcase, prepare your grocery lists for the barbecue, and make those dates for fireworks gatherings, remember ....... savor the moment and don't forget the mosquito repellent! Have a wonderful Fourth of July and be safe!!
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