The last time I posted, eight days ago I was feeling quite exhilarated at the prospect of completing my first story in almost fifteen years. I was thrilled at my dedication and determination and success at writing almost every day for both September and October and I was distracted from the arduous and debilitating task of looking for a job.
However, infrequently through my writings and uploads during October I would receive flashing warnings "Ckdsk Dirty Files on Drive C" and then the internal workings of the Microsoft cyber-wizards would crawl relentlessly up and down my bright blue screed saying "ckdsk complete" and I would think everything was alright; but again it would happen and I wondered why can't these dirty files keep themselves clean.
Then, thankfully after and not before one of my final posts of the short story "See the Children ...continued" ... I had just pushed "publish post", when the screen went black and would not boot! Oh what a terrible feeling!! I pushed and prodded and cursed and ranted and finally with trepidation and great angst I called Dell. It took one brief diagnostic tool and one heated lengthy argument on why I should not have to pay $50 for that one brief diagnostic tool to find out the hard drive was dead and I would need a new hard drive.
It took eight days and much lost data, many lost photos and the loss of my precious Adobe Photoshop CS3 program which is buried somewhere in a storage Pod after a house move which took place on July 29; but I am up and running.
I have missed writing; I have missed photo editing; I have missed posting, but one thing I have not missed, that writing a blog is a great distraction from is the never ending, unrewarding, vacuous job of finding employment!
Close In On The Cure
Saturday, October 17, 2009
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